ISRA Thursday Bulletin - September 2, 2021

Published: Thu, 09/02/21


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - September 2, 2021



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

The talking heads in Washington including government types, media mouthpieces and so-called experts are claiming the war in Afghanistan is over.  These people have lied so much that they are believing their own lies.  This war is not over.  This is an ideological war and there are no time limits on ideological wars.  This will only end when one side is totally crushed. 

The Taliban is now the fifth or sixth most well-equipped army in the world thanks to Joe Biden.  In fact, the Taliban has more attack helicopters than the country of Australia.  Forbes magazine reports the Biden Administration is hiding audits of Afghan military equipment.  Wednesday, it was reported that the Biden Administration has scrubbed every website and listing of what military equipment has been left in Afghanistan.  I know you are totally shocked by the lack of transparency by the Biden Administration.  This list has been out there but in case you didn’t see it, here it is. I am not sure if it is the complete list.  Just as bad, the enemies of the United States now have all of our latest technology.

American Aircraft, Equipment & Armored Vehicles
  • 2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAPs
  • 75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc.
  • 45 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
  • 50 MD530G Scout Attack Helicopters
  • ScanEagle Military Drones
  • 30 Military Version Cessnas
  • 4 C-130s
  • 29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tucano Ground Attack Aircraft
  • Heavy Equipment, Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators
At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
  • 61,000 M203 Rounds
  • 20,040 Grenades
  • Howitzers
  • Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
  • 162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Communications Gear
  • 16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
  • Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
  • Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
  • 10,000 2.75-inch Air to Ground Rockets
  • Reconnaissance Equipment (ISR)
  • Laser Aiming Units
  • Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
  • 2,520 Bombs
  • Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops ALL operational
  • Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
  • Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm and 9,000,000 rounds of 50 caliber.  I am unsure of how many rounds of 556 but I have heard over 60,000,000.
  • Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
  • US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
It has been reported that some Afghan pilots have flown 46 helicopters to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.  The pilots took their families with them.  If they were caught by the Taliban, they would be killed.
I disagree that Joe Biden is incompetent because of his age.  Joe Biden has always been incompetent his entire political career and he has been weakening America and the American values since the first moment he was elected.  Those who supported him throughout his political career are equally guilty and we must hold them accountable.

Dove season started yesterday.  Be sure to check the IDNR rules regarding Eurasian collared doves and Ringed turtle doves.  While they are invasive species, the rules for Morning/White Wing doves still apply.  Dove hunters need to add one more rule to their safe gun handling rules and that is to keep your shotgun at 40 degrees or above while hunting.  The first season ends November 14, 2021; the second season is December 26, 2021, thru January 9, 2022.

Ammo Quest:  Ammo slipped down slightly in price online.  The only place I was successful in finding ammo in the store was at Scheels in Springfield.  I am sure there are others out there.  The steel case Russian ammo that Joe Biden has banned, actually makes up 35% of the American market.  To ban the imports of Russian ammunition and firearms isn’t a spit in the ocean as far as the Russian economy goes.  Yet, Biden claims he is using this ban to harm the Russian economy.  The ban is directly aimed at U.S. gun owners.

The National Rifle and Pistol Matches have concluded for 2021.  I am proud to say the ISRA teams and individual ISRA members did very well.  We are proud of all of you.  In the final days of the matches, the ISRA Gold Team took the National Championship Team for State Associations.  ISRA member Don Bauer is the National Grand Senior Champion.

If you want to be a good or even a great shot, join the ISRA.  The ISRA is a treasury of marksmanship knowledge.  That is what we are supposed to be and that is what we are.  From beginner to champion, the ISRA is the place for you.

September 2, 1945 - Japan surrenders bringing WWII to an official end.  Millions of families breathe a sigh of relief but many will never get over the loss of their son(s) or daughter(s). 

September 3, 1777 - The Stars and Stripes fly in battle for the first time but certainly not the last time.

September 3, 1783 - The Treaty of Paris is signed ending the Revolutionary War.  There was a portrait of the signers which was supposed to be painted.  The British didn’t show up.  Congress did not ratify the treaty until January 14, 1784.

September 3, 1939 - Britain and France declare war on Germany.  WWII is formalized and gets ready to turn deadly.

September 6, 1901 - President William McKinley is shot by a Polish anarchist while at the Pan-American Exposition.  One of his wounds was missed and gangrene set in, killing the President.  McKinley was the last of the Civil War presidents.  Theodore Roosevelt was put in the Vice Presidency to get out of the way.  There was a joke at the time about a woman who had two sons.  One became a well-known carpenter; the other son became Vice President and was never heard from again.  The Republicans wanted to bury Roosevelt in the bowels of government.  Sometimes fate takes a hand.

September 6, 1876 - The James-Younger gang, made up of eight men, attempts a daylight robbery of the Northfield Minnesota bank.  A bank teller stalled the robbers and made a break for it to warn others.  He was wounded in the arm.  The townspeople quickly fought back using their Second Amendment rights.  They killed two of the robbers and wounded several others.  A posse was quickly formed and killed or captured four more.  Frank and Jesse James got away.

September 8, 1781 - The battle of Eutaw Springs in South Carolina was the last major engagement of the Revolutionary war before Yorktown.  Major General Nathanael Greene attacked British forces commanded by British Colonel Alexander Stewart.  The British took a position in a stone house to protect themselves against Greene’s Cavalry.  Greene’s troops still were able to inflict 700 casualties on the British force of 2000 troops.  The British retreated to Charlestown, South Carolina, while General Greene and other Patriot units secured the rest of South Carolina.  George Washington appointed General Greene the first Quartermaster of the Army.  Greene didn’t like the job so he made everything as simple as possible.  Some of his ideas are still used today because they were very efficient.

Thanks for being a member.  If you are not a member, JOIN NOW!

Upcoming Events: ISRA Calendar
For more information, visit

Saturday, September 4, 2021
Range Work Day
Project Appleseed
761st Gun Club Rifle Class
Illinois State Service Rifle Championship – Milan Rifle & Pistol Club

Sunday, September 5, 2021
ISRA Combat Pistol/3 Gun League
ISRA Black Powder League
Paper & Steel Shotgun League
Illinois State Service Rifle Championship – Milan Rifle & Pistol Club

Monday, September 6, 2021
Illinois State Service Rifle Championship – Milan Rifle & Pistol Club
NOTE: ISRA Military Benchrest Rifle League & ISRA Scout Rifle League will not meet on this day

Tuesday, September 7 & 14, 2021
Tuesday Night Irregular Rifle League

Wednesday, September 8 & 15, 2021
ISRA Benchrest League
F-Class Rifle League
Combat Paper & Steel League

Thursday, September 9, 2021
ISRA Smallbore Prone/F-Class League

Saturday, September 11, 2021
ISRA Metric & Conventional Smallbore Prone Championship
CCL Qualification

Sunday, September 12, 2021
ISRA Metric & Conventional Smallbore Prone Championship

Monday, September 13, 2021
ISRA Military Benchrest Rifle League
ISRA Scout Rifle League

Saturday, September 18, 2021
2021 IL Short Course Championship
Triple Threat Defense LLC-Defensive Tactics for Concealed Carry Level II
IDNR Wingshooting Clinic - Wilmington, IL

Sunday, September 19, 2021
2021 IL Short Course Championship
ISRA Bullseye League
Marksmanship League
IDNR Wingshooting Clinic - Wilmington, IL

Gun & Trade Shows

McHenry County Gun Show – Woodstock, IL
McHenry County Fairgrounds
Date: September 19, 2021
Hours: Sunday: 8:00-1:00
Admission: $5.00

National Civil War Show & Sale – Wheaton, IL
Collector Arms Dealers Association Gun Show – Wheaton, IL
DuPage County Fairgrounds
Date: September 25, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Admission: $9.00

Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Gun & Knife Show – Chillicothe, IL
Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club
Dates: September 25 & 26, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 8:30-5:00
             Sunday: 8:30-3:00
Admission: $3.00

Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show – Kankakee, IL
Kankakee County Fairgrounds
Dates: September 25 & 26, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 8:00-3:00
             Sunday: 8:00-2:00
Admission: $6.00




