ISRA Thursday Bulletin - August 26, 2021
Published: Thu, 08/26/21
ISRA Thursday Bulletin - August 26, 2021
Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson What the Biden Administration is doing in Afghanistan is more than a blemish on the reputation of the United States, it is a scar that will be there forever. Moreover, what the Biden Administration has done to the United States Military and the Army, in particular, is unforgivable. What the role of the United States has been since WWII is to stabilize the world by providing the
muscle to organizations like NATO, SEATO and even the UN. Without the United States the world would be in much more chaos than it is. That reputation is fading fast with the calamitous fleeing and abandoning of Afghanistan and all those who trusted us there.
Also embarrassing are the well-orchestrated rescue efforts of the British, French and Dutch, particularly considering the size of their respective armies. The British Army has 82,230 members, the French Army has 114,000 members and the Dutch Army has 41,000 members. Even worse, some of our politically appointed bumbling bureaucrats have told these countries to stop their rescue efforts because they are embarrassing the United States. These countries said “no” to whoever the nitwits were who asked them. There is no doubt the leftists are in charge of the United States. We are seeing their results of the convoluted thinking both internationally and domestically. If we survive this fiasco, in the future we need to elect presidents like Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt unless we can find someone tougher. The U.S. Military needs to find commanders like “Mad“ Anthony Wayne, Ulysses S. Grant, John J. Pershing, George Patton, Bull Halsey and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Then, of course, we have a lot of house cleaning to do in Congress. Ammo quest: The Biden Administration’s decision to ban imports of Russian firearms and ammunitions is just another way to give gun owners a kick in the pants. Online ammo prices dropped a little last week but I do not expect that to continue because of the supply issues with the banning of Russian ammunition. The ban takes effect in September. I am sure there is ammunition in the pipeline. Let’s hope domestic manufacturers can fill the gap. While Joe Biden and his left-wing henchmen are preventing law-abiding Americans from buying Russian ammunition, they are more than happy to give the Taliban 200,000 M16s, millions of rounds of ammunition and all sorts of heavy weapons. What a mess. The National Rifle Association’s Service Rifle Team Matches have just been completed at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. I am pleased to report the ISRA Gold Team took first place in the State Association division. The ISRA Red Team took second place. Well done! There are only a few days left for the High Power Rifle Matches. Right now, Camp Atterbury is getting set to accept 5000 refugees from Afghanistan. They could start coming in today. I want to thank all the volunteers who helped with the ATA/ISRA three-gun experience held in Sparta, IL. Over 400 kids went through the youth camp. The Secor Sportsman’s Club youth camp have 84 registered for this weekend. The Des Plaines Conservation Area in Wilmington, IL, will be hosting an IDNR Wingshooting Clinic on September 18 & 19. This 4-hour clinic is designed to help hunters improve their skills at wingshooting (hitting a moving target with a shotgun) and is open to shotgun shooters ages 16 years and up. Registration is available by calling 815.423.5326. Litigation: The Easterday v. Deerfield case is moving again. The Illinois Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the morning of September 22, 2021. It will take several months for the decision. Meanwhile, the State of New York Attorney General, Letitia James, is pressing forward with her intention of bankrupting the NRA, using the courts. Whatever questions the members might have, at this point, it seems to me the NRA’s biggest problem is that they were effective against the left-wing anti-gun movement. Right now, there is not much the members can do but watch. Our time will come. As you know, the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston has been cancelled because of COVID-19 concerns. While I was scheduled to attend, it’s okay with me. Tidbits: August 27, 1883 - The volcano Krakatoa explodes. It is estimated that the explosion hurled five cubic miles of earth into the atmosphere. Krakatoa is a small uninhabited island in Indonesia just west of Sumatra. The debris blocked out the sun around the world and actually cooled the earth by several degrees. Several volcanoes in recorded history have also cooled the atmosphere because of all the smoke and debris. With environmentalists wringing their hands about global warming, the answer is simple. Reintroduce the smoke into the atmosphere as it was from the 1840s to the 1960s and the earth will cool down. Whatever you do, don’t mention this to anyone. All of the environmentalists will have a cow and we will have an overpopulation of cows and cow flatulence. Oh my, oh my. August 27, 1952 - The “Red Scare” sweeps the United States. The fear of communism influenced the elections. Many left leaning people in Hollywood were “black listed”. Many of them could not find work. August 28, 1869 - John Wesley Powell, a naturalist from Illinois State Normal University (now ISU), explores the Grand Canyon. Some in his party of explorers thought the rapids in the Colorado River were too dangerous and scaled the canyon walls to walk to the rendezvous point. They were all killed by Indians. Those who chose to shoot the rapids all made it safely. August 30 1964 - Thurgood Marshall became the first African American to be named to the Supreme Court of the United States. He served with distinction for the next 24 years. August 31, 1916 - Harry Butters is the first American killed in WWI. Butters enlisted in the British Army where he met Winston Churchill. Churchill was commander of the battalion. Although enlisted, he and Churchill hit it off. When Butters was killed, Churchill wrote a memorial to him which was published in the London Observer. Thanks for being a member. If you are not a member, JOIN NOW! Upcoming Events: ISRA Calendar For more information, visit Saturday, August 28, 2021 MTG Advanced Tactical Pistol The Well Armed Woman Sunday, August 29, 2021 MTG Advanced Tactical Pistol ISRA Bullseye Match & Combat Pistol Glock Summer League Monday, August 30 & Sep 6, 2021 ISRA Military Benchrest Rifle League ISRA Scout Rifle League Tuesday, August 31 & Sep 7, 2021 Tuesday Night Irregular Rifle League Wednesday, Sep 1 & 8, 2021 ISRA Benchrest League F-Class Rifle League Combat Paper & Steel League Thursday, Sep 2 & 9, 2021 ISRA Smallbore Prone/F-Class League Saturday, Sep 4, 2021 Range Work Day Project Appleseed 761st Gun Club Rifle Class Sunday, Sep 5, 2021 ISRA Combat Pistol/3 Gun League ISRA Black Powder League Paper & Steel Shotgun League Gun & Trade Shows Belleville Gun & Knife Show – Belleville, IL Belleville Fairgrounds Dates: August 28 & 29, 2021 Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00 Sunday: 9:00-3:00 Admission: $6.00 McHenry County Gun Show – Woodstock, IL McHenry County Fairgrounds Date: September 19, 2021 Hours: Sunday: 8:00-1:00 Admission: $5.00 National Civil War Show & Sale – Wheaton, IL Collector Arms Dealers Association Gun Show – Wheaton, IL DuPage County Fairgrounds Date: September 25, 2021 Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00 Admission: $9.00 Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Gun & Knife Show – Chillicothe, IL Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Dates: September 25 & 26, 2021 Hours: Saturday: 8:30-5:00 Sunday: 8:30-3:00 Admission: $3.00 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show – Kankakee, IL Kankakee County Fairgrounds Dates: September 25 & 26, 2021 Hours: Saturday: 8:00-3:00 Sunday: 8:00-2:00 Admission: $6.00 . |