ISRA Thursday Bulletin - July 1, 2021

Published: Thu, 07/01/21


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - July 1, 2021



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

According to reports, NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) denied about 300,000 firearm purchases in 2020.  The complete analysis of all of this won’t be done for a while.  The anti-gun groups and their cohorts in the press would have you believe the people denied were all killers but that is not true.  If we look back into the past, we can find a few patterns that will most likely apply to the latest data.  About 99% of the denials were false positives which accounts for so few prosecutions.  False “Red Flag” confiscations, unjustified protection orders, attempts by illegal aliens and defective applications make up most of the denials.  It is true there were some attempts by criminals.  It takes three or four years to see how all of this comes together.  In 2017, there were only 12 prosecutions because of NICS denials.  

Ammo quest: The fact is my ammo quest did not work out very well this week.  I talked to a few people who found ammunition at local stores and the prices were not bad but the supply was limited.  One store raised the limit from two boxes to five boxes.

My on-line searches were not better than last week.  I did go to the ISRA website and clicked on the button and searched through what they had listed.  Then I signed up for their alerts.  I immediately found ammo a few cents cheaper.  If you haven’t done this, I would recommend it.  In all fairness, if you buy ammunition through the ISRA website, we do get a donation from at the end of the year.  With what is facing us, every little bit helps.

Soon we will have our discounted life membership drive.  This also includes enhanced life memberships like Endowment, Patron and Benefactor.  Look for it in your mail box soon.  Some are already out.

As of now, there are a few spots left to attend the MTG (Midwest Training Group) Defensive Rifle Course to be held on July 24 and 25 at our Range.  This is a great class!  To register, contact Andy Kemp at 
The 4th of July is coming upon us quickly.  Fireworks have always been a part of the 4th except in four states.  Of course, Illinois is one of them.  The other states include Ohio, Vermont and Massachusetts.  A few years ago, Mel Gibson made a movie called the “Edge of Darkness”.  One of the lines in the movie was “everything is illegal In Massachusetts.”  In Illinois, Ohio and Vermont, you can have novelty fireworks which include sparklers, bottle rockets and a few other things but not in Massachusetts, everything is banned there.  The really big fun stuff is in Missouri, Indiana or other close states.  Since 1942, fireworks have been banned in Illinois except for previously mentioned whimpy stuff.  If you get caught with the fun stuff it is a $2500 or more fine.  Starting about now there is a migration of fireworks lovers heading for the borders of Illinois to help neighboring states with employment.  Indiana, for example, adds about 4000 seasonal workers per year.  I know the state is worried that we might get hurt.  Sparklers, which Illinois allows, are the number one cause of visits to emergency rooms as far as fireworks injuries go.  I got a burn when I was a kid but I didn’t care because it was fun.

The 4th of July is a day when we should all display our patriotism.  The problem is Illinois is rated 45th in patriotism, Montana is number one and New York is dead last at 50.  New York is no surprise but at number 45, we probably shouldn’t be throwing stones.  Undoubtedly, there are patriotic people from all parts of the state but I would say the number of Patriots per capita goes up the farther south you go.   Before everyone gets in an uproar, let’s take a little time and fly the American flag this weekend.  Remember how far we have come and all those who gave everything to get us here.  Happy 4th of July!

July 1, 1898 - The Battle of San Juan Hill.  Theodore Roosevelt and his 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry along with the U.S. Army 9th and 10th Cavalry charged up Kettle Hill and then San Juan Hill.  Roosevelt’s troops were forced to leave their horses behind because of transportation problems and led the charge up the hills.  The Spanish were equipped with 7mm Mauser repeating rifles.   They poured withering fire on the American troops.  This experience led to the development of the 1903 Springfield rifle.  In the end, the American troops found themselves looking down on the City of Santiago.  While the Spanish American War was important because it thrust the United States on to the world stage, Roosevelt’s building of the 1st Volunteer U.S. Cavalry also had far reaching effects that are with us today.  Building the 1st Volunteer U.S. Cavalry is why the Illinois State Rifle Association exists.

Roosevelt wanted the very best marksmen and horsemen he could get.  He was surprised when he did not find them in the U.S. Army.  In the 1880s, Roosevelt spent time with the Dakotas running a ranch while recovering from the loss of his wife.  Roosevelt searched the West, South and Midwest. What he found was that the civilians were the best marksmen and knew the most about the subject.

When Roosevelt became President in 1903, he and the 57th Congress passed legislation that formed the Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and established the National Matches.  The purpose of the Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and the National Matches was to train civilians in marksmanship prior to military service.  This was to be done by state associations in conjunction with the U.S. Army.  These associations were made up of civilians, making them the keepers of the flame of marksmanship skills.  In June 1903, the Illinois State Rifle Association was formed to fulfill that duty.  The ISRA was one of the first of these associations.

July 1, 1863 - The Battle of Gettysburg begins.

July 2, 1776 - The Second Continental Congress votes for Richard Henry Lee’s resolution for independence from Great Britain.  Thomas Jefferson starts writing the Declaration of Independence.

July 2, 1926 - The U.S. Army Air Corps is founded.

June 3, 1863 - The Battle of Gettysburg ends.  General Robert E. Lee executes a plan to attack the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge.  The attack was led by General George Pickett who commanded 15,000 troops.  The attack commenced at 3pm.  The Confederate troops started a mile away from Cemetery Ridge.  The Union artillery blew holes in the confederate line.  Union troops were able to flank the Confederates.  By the time Pickett reached the Union lines, over 7000 of his soldiers were killed.  By 4:30pm, the battle was over.  In just an hour and a half the Union was saved and the Confederacy was doomed.

July 4, 1776 - The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence.  Fly the flag and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!

July 4, 1826 - Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die within five hours of each other on the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

July 5, 1865 - The Salvation Army is Founded.

July 5, 1946 - The Bikini swimsuit is introduced.

July 7, 1930 - Construction begins on Hoover Dam.

Thanks for being a member.  If you are not a member, JOIN NOW!

Upcoming Events: ISRA Calendar
For more information, visit

Saturday, July 3, 2021
Range Work Day

Sunday, July 4, 2021
ISRA Combat Pistol/3 Gun League
ISRA Black Powder League
Independence Day 800
Paper & Steel Shotgun League

Monday, July 5 & 12, 2021
ISRA Military Benchrest Rifle League
ISRA Scout Rifle League

Tuesday, July 6 & 13, 2021
Tuesday Night Irregular Rifle League

Wednesday, July 7 & 14, 2021
ISRA Benchrest League
F-Class Rifle League
Combat Paper & Steel League

Thursday, July 8 & 15, 2021
ISRA Smallbore Prone/F-Class League

Sunday, July 11, 2021
Glock Summer League (rescheduled from June 27)
Marksmanship League

Saturday, July 17, 2021
NRA Basic Pistol Class

Sunday, July 18, 2021
Springfield Match 2021

Saturday, July 24 & 25, 2021
MTG Defensive Rifle Course

Gun & Trade Shows

Crown Point Gun Show – Crown Point, IN
Lake County Fairgrounds
Dates: July 10 & 11, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $5.00

Pecatonica Guns, Hunting & Shooting Expo – Pecatonica, IL
Winnebago County Fairgrounds
Dates: July 16, 17, & 18, 2021
Hours: Friday: 4:00-9:00
             Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $10.00

Bloomington Gun & Knife Show – Bloomington, IL
Interstate Center
Dates: July 24 & 25, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: 6.00




