ISRA Action Alert - June 21st 2021: Update From Our Attorney

Published: Mon, 06/21/21


ISRA Action Alert - June 21st, 2021 

From our attorney, David Sigale:

Thank you to all the members who have been reaching out to me as a result of the ISRA’s recent Alert. Please note at this time I am only looking for those persons having delays with initial CCL applications. If you are in that situation, please let me know at

Similarly, if you are a first-time FOID applicant and are currently experiencing delays in having your initial FOID application processed, please let me know.

Finally, if your FOID was denied or revoked, and you have experienced lengthy delays in having your appeal processed, please let me know that as well.

If you timely filed for a CCL (or FOID) renewal and have seen that renewal application delayed as a result of the COVID-19 situation, please know that is something we are working on, your CCL and FOID are still considered valid per the State Police’s Emergency Order and you should keep your printed receipt for the renewal fee with your expired card. You do not need to e-mail me at this time; we will keep you updated with any changes at the ISP level.


David G. Sigale