A while back, I made a quick stop in the grocery store when a man by the name of Thomas instantly recognized me as “that Concealed Carry Protection Guy...”
After talking for a bit, he said he planned on becoming a USCCA Member as soon as he got his carry permit.
That shocked me!
And I think there's something I need to clear up…
Before you start carrying a gun (and all the while you’re living the responsibly armed lifestyle), if you want to be your family’s ultimate protector, it is critical that you have access to industry-leading education and training...
Without being properly educated and trained, you and your family are at risk.
The good news?
You can protect your family and your future by utilizing the benefits of a USCCA Membership.
Choose to be prepared.
Click the link below now to get the education, and training you NEED.
P.S. - All new USCCA Members will get FREE entry to winthis month’s Grand Prize and the chance to
win the value of the gun we’re giving away that day. No purchase necessary to win. See Giveaway Official Rules
USCCA | 44 Markfield Drive Suite E, Charleston, SC 29407
Delta Defense, LLC provides sales, marketing, operations and administrative support services to the USCCA and is a licensed insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia with its principal office in West Bend, WI. Delta Defense,
LLC does business as Delta Defense Insurance Services in California. California License #0M34093