ISRA Thursday Bulletin - January 14, 2021

Published: Thu, 01/14/21


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - January 14, 2021



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

All through 2020 I have reported that firearm sales were skyrocketing and the final numbers prove that.  A new record of 21,000,000 background checks that resulted in firearm sales was set.  Of those 21,000,000 sales, 40% of them were to women.  African Americans purchased 58% more firearms than in any previous year.  Many of those were to African American women.  The record 21,000,000 firearm sales exceeded those during the 2016 Presidential Election by 34%.  The final tally shows there were 8,400,000 new gun owners in the United States.  The NICS check for December 2020 was 3,937,066, an all-time high once again.  For the entire year, the NICS checks were 39,695,315, as expected, another new record. This was driven by not only increased firearm sales but also background checks for concealed carry permits.  The number of firearm sales was down slightly for December but I believe that was simply because there was nothing to buy, at least, that anyone wanted. 

Of course, the increasing number of firearm owners and firearms sold has helped result in a shortage of ammunition and components for reloads.  Ammunition production is up 33% according to an industry spokesman.  In a recent search of store shelves conducted in a haphazard way by myself and a friend of mine, we found nothing except a few boxes of unusual calibers and shotgun shells.  We did find some small pistol primers at Scheels in Springfield.  Scheels has been getting primers from time to time.  The increased production is being snapped up as fast as it is received.  I would guess it will take a year or more to catch up.

There are many firearm groups that rely on the internet and social media platforms to communicate with their members and others.  It looks like that tool may now be eliminated, or at least made much more difficult and expensive, for not only firearm groups but conservative groups of all kinds.  The Virginia Citizens Defense League has had their posts for their rally at the Virginia State Capitol taken down. has to find a new host for their website because the old host canceled them.  The ISRA has been prevented from boosting the Thursday Bulletin because Facebook wouldn’t allow it.  If you get this Thursday Bulletin, please send it to your friends; that will help us get the word out.  I have often mentioned that free speech is only free if you own or control the media.  Sadly, what is going on proves my point.

President Elect Joe Biden has nominated Judge Merrick Garland as United States Attorney General.  Garland made several anti-gun rulings while on the bench.  I am sure we will hear more unpleasant news from AG Garland should he be confirmed.  FYI: He most likely will be confirmed.

The 101st General Assembly has gaveled out for the last time.  When the last gavel came down, all the bills not passed died.  That includes SB1966.  SB1966 is dead, finished, and kaput.  Get that bill out of your head as well as all the other bills not passed; they don’t matter anymore.

I want to thank our members for their wonderful support and also, the great lobbyists on our lobbying team.   The 102nd General Assembly is in session so here we go again.  We will need your support in the coming months.  In the next few weeks we will see thousands of bills filed in the General Assembly.  We will be tracking every bill that affects firearm owners.  There were 12,557 bills and resolutions introduced in the 101st General Assembly.

The first bill introduced in the 102nd General Assembly is a gun bill.  HB0001 Illiana Task Force Firearm Violence was just introduced and we are already in Springfield on the ground tracking it - so much for 15 minutes off.  Remember, just because a bill is filed doesn’t mean it is going to move.  We will let you know.  You can follow these bills on our website,  Hover over Advocacy (at top) and click on Legislation.

The subject of violence at state capitols is in the news and Springfield is not the exception.  Violent acts get you nowhere; in fact, they hurt any cause they are associated with.  Firearm owners are under the spotlight.  IGOLD has always been the most peaceful of any demonstrations at the State Capitol.  We need to keep it that way.

January 15, 1870 - The first recorded use of the donkey to represent the Democrat Party.

January 16, 1919 - The 18th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution is ratified banning the sale of intoxicating spirits.  This act began with what became known as Prohibition.  The result was to establish organized crime in the United States.

January 17, 1917 - The United States buys the Virgin Islands from Denmark for 25 million dollars.

January 17, 1955 - The first atomic powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, starts its first test voyage.

January 18, 1915 - The City of London is bombed by a German Zeppelin.

January 20, 1801 - John Marshal is appointed Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

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Saturday, January 16, 2021
Winter Wars

Tuesday, January 19 & 26, 2021
Tuesday Afternoon Indoor Air Gun Open Practice
ISRA Indoor Air Gun Open Practice

Saturday, January 30, 2021
The Well  Armed Woman

Gun & Trade Shows

McHenry County Gun Show – Woodstock, IL
McHenry County Fairgrounds
Date: January 17, 2021
Hours: Sunday: 8:00-1:00
Admission: $5.00

Will County Gun Show – Peotone, IL
Will County Fairgrounds
Dates: January 23 & 24, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 8:00-3:00
             Sunday: 8:00-2:00
Admission: $6.00

Quad Cities Gun Show – Rock Island, IL
QCCA Expo Center
Date: January 30 & 31, 2021
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $6.00

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