ISRA Thursday Bulletin - October 15, 2020

Published: Thu, 10/15/20


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - October 15, 2020



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson
September broke another record for background checks and gun sales.  There were 2,892,115 background checks.  Many of the background checks were for concealed carry permits.  The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), who analyzes firearm data, estimates that gun sales for September were about 1,614,000 firearms.  While this is record setting, there probably would have been more sales if more firearms were available.  

The words oligarchy and oligarchs are in the news particularly in regards to the Russian investigation.  Oligarchy is a Greek word meaning rule by a few.   Every country has oligarchs including the United States.  There are lots of ways oligarchs hold power.  They can be by wealth, military power, corporate power, religious power or other ways.  In medieval Europe, the nobility were really oligarchs.  Whatever type of oligarchy it is, it usurps the power of the people.  Right now, here in the United States, I believe we are seeing a new type of oligarch.  These oligarchs control the messages to and between the people. The rise of the left-wing mainstream media is an example.  The main stream media are really oligarchs.  The citizens are only told what someone wants them to hear.  That is not news, that is propaganda.  The new part of all this is social media.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest of the platforms censor political thought.  I see that in the Thursday Bulletins when we are not allowed to boost a post.  The internet is still out there but there are attempts to control that also.

The tech giants in Silicon Valley have a big hand in financing the Biden-Harris campaign.  These tech giants want to control the political messaging.  These are also leftists who want the world to be what they want, not necessarily what you and I want.  Michael Bloomberg is another example of a modern oligarch.  Not only does he control a lot of media, he has donated 1.8 billion to the John Hopkins School of Public Health.  He wants to make firearm ownership a public health issue and he has just the tool to support what he wants.  What these modern oligarchs want is to decide what polices will govern the United States, all to their benefit of course.  We are talking trillions of dollars.  Having people in office like Biden and Harris means these oligarchs can control them.  There is another word you dont use every day that describes that situation.  That word is kakistocracy or governance by the least suitable”.  If the Biden-Harris ticket is elected, kakistocracy may become a household world. 

ISRA members, be sure to send in your Life, Endowment, Patron, and Benefactor upgrade you recently received in the email.  The offer must be postmarked by October 31st, 2020.  Remember, you will receive a Made in the USA Buck Knife with the ISRA logo.  You may also call the office and upgrade over the phone.

Lawsuit update: We are amending the complaints in the FOID application and appeal cases (Bradley and Thomas cases).   We are appealing the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board Case (White case).  We are preparing other cases.

October 15, 2020 - The Confederate Submarine H. L. Huntley sinks during a test run.  The Huntley was the first combat submarine.

October 16, 1859 - Abolitionist John Brown raids the Federal Armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia).  A company of U. S. Marines, led by Colonel Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart, overran Brown and his followers.  Brown was convicted of treason on November 2, 1859, and hanged on December 2, 1859. 

October 16, 1923 - The Walt Disney Company is founded.  In 1928, Mickey Mouse made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie which really helped the struggling company.  Mickey Mouse was originally named Mortimer Mouse by Disney but his employees pleaded with him to change his name to Mickey.  Fortunately, he took their advice. 

October 28, 1867 - The United States formally takes possession of Alaska; the cost was 10 cents an acre.    
William H. Seward was Secretary of State and the purchase became known a Sewards Folly, Sewards Ice Box and the Polar Bear Garden.  Seward could see the future.  Alaska provides 24% of U. S. oil and 50% of our seafood.  Alaska became the 49th State on January 3, 1959.

October 19, 1781 – Americans, under command of George Washington, defeat the British Empire at Yorktown, Virginia.  On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, recognizing the United States of America.

October 20, 1803 - The United States Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase.  Under direction of President Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State Robert Livingston and James Madison were sent to France to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase.  When Napoleon Bonaparte said he would take $15,000,000 for the land, they immediately took the deal.  That translated to slightly less the 3 cents per 100 acres.  The Louisiana Purchase added 828,000 square miles to the United States or 529,920,000 acres to the United States.  Now that was a deal!

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Upcoming Events: ISRA Calendar
For more information, visit

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Drew Cup National Smallbore Team Championship

Sunday, October 18, 2020
Marksmanship League
.22 Rimfire Challenge

Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Tuesday Night Irregular Rifle League
ISRA Indoor Air Rifle League

Saturday, October 24, 2020
ISRA Annual Sighting-In Day

Sunday, October 25, 2020
ISRA Bullseye Match
.22 Rimfire Steel Challenge

Saturday, October 31, 2020
The Well Armed Woman
RSO Meeting

Sunday, November 1, 2020
ISRA Combat Pistol/3 Gun League
Bonfield Muzzle Loaders

Gun & Trade Shows

Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show
Kankakee County Fairgrounds – Kankakee, IL
Dates: October 17 & 18, 2020
Hours: Saturday: 8:00-3:00
             Sunday: 8:00-2:00
Admission: $6.00

McHenry County Gun Show
McHenry County Fairgrounds – Woodstock, IL
Date: October 18, 2020
Hours: Sunday: 8:00-1:00
Admission: $5.00

Crown Point Gun Show
Lake County Fairgrounds – Crown Point, IN
Dates: October 24 & 25, 2020
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $5.00

Peoria Gun & Knife Show
Exposition Gardens – Peoria, IL
Dates: October 31 & November 1, 2020
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $5.00

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