ISRA Thursday Bulletin - July 2nd, 2020

Published: Thu, 07/02/20


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - July 2, 2020



Executive Directors Message
We are on the verge of the 244th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.  We are in the most perilous time in our history since the day before the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War.  I believe we are seeing a well orchestrated Fifth Column movement underway in the United States.  I also believe this movement has been under way  since the 1960s.

This is how I look at the Fitch column movement  and how it is organized.  First this movement is run by a group I call the Controllers.  The Controllers give the orders and finance the operation.  Second, this movement is made up of front organizations that are financed in large part by the Controllers.  The purpose of these front organizations is to carry out the orders of the Controllers as well as serve as a buffer to protect the Controllers from public or government scrutiny.  The third part of this Fifth Column movement are the foot soldiers, commonly known as the mob. Front groups give orders to the foot soldiers.  Their job is to carry out the riots, vandalism and intimidation of individuals.  Fourth, we  have the universities and the non-profits.  The universities employ radical professors and give them cover while they radicalize generation after generation.  The radical non-profits give radicals a place to work in between political campaigns and organized attacks like we are now facing.  Fifth, we have the propaganda arm of this movement made up of the media, social media and certain politicians.  These last three are certainly tied directly or indirectly to The Controllers. Then we have the radicals that have been infiltrating the government these many years. These government employees leak, muddle or even change public policy by rule to assist the Fifth column movement.

I know I have painted a dark picture and I will get a lot of push back, but, I ask you to look at what is going on and see if what I have said fits.  I think you will find that it does.

In the meantime I am going to celebrate the 4th of July and wave the flag ,but make no mistake all who love the USA better join together and push back. There is no time to waste.

The Chicago Tribune reports that between June 1, 2020, and June 17, 2020, the Illinois State Police received 42,089 applications for FOID cards, with nearly 5000 of those applications occurring in one day.  This upswing in FOID card applications has been going on since last December. 

Like many instructors, FFLs and others in the firearms community, I have talked to many people who never considered owning a firearm before and have now changed their mind.  It is evident that the police cannot protect you.  As I keep repeating, the Supreme Courts, in all states, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States, have ruled that the police have no duty to protect any individual.  They simply can protect who they want to protect.  The greatest example of that was when Princess Di came to Chicago.  The Chicago Police Department was ordered to protect her.  To do that, they pulled officers out of every area of Chicago.  Crime went up in those neighborhoods.  The citizens who paid for police protection were hung out to dry, except for Princess Di.  Every citizen needs to know and understand that.

In Seattle, the businesses and people living in the CHAZ/CHOP area are going to sue the City of Seattle.  Good luck with that one.  It is a waste of time and money.  Some citizens, at least, are now learning that they are on their own.  In Illinois, the first step in defending yourself is getting a FOID card.  If you are a law-abiding citizen, you will need to fill out the application on the Illinois State Police website.  Often, FFLs or your State Representative or State Senator will help you.

Speaking of FOID cards, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart wants to raise FOID card fees to help him pay for more ankle monitoring devices for all the scum they have let out of jail in Cook County.  Law-abiding gun owners did not cause any crimes but we are supposed to pay for the lawlessness that Cook County allows.  No thank you.  Criminals complain that they have to pay for the cost of their own monitoring.  If you don’t want to be in the legal system, don’t commit crimes.  If you don’t commit crimes, that will go a long way toward keeping you out of the legal system.  I’m surprised they don’t know that.

Movements to defund the police have caused the veil of secrecy that has surrounded them to be lifted once the details of defunding are revealed.  Minneapolis has indeed defunded the police but the City Council has hired private security to protect them.  Their hypocrisy has no limits it seems.  In Los Angeles, the special victims unit, gang crime units and other essential units for the people who need it most were cut.  Of course training is cut everywhere.  What we have here is rule by the mob.  I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea.  The mob is actually the left wings militia.  They are well financed and controlled by those who want to destroy the United States - names like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg come to mind.  These people hate, and I do mean hate, the Second Amendment because that is one of the few ways American citizens can fight back.

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The ISRA is pleased to announce that in March 16 we will host a Glock Armorers Course On March 16, 2021.  On March 17 and 18, 2021 we will host a Glock Operator's Course. Both courses will be held at the ISRA Range in Bonfield.  We will let everyone know when registration opens up.

On July 2, 1926 the United States Army Air Corps was established.

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