ISRA Action Alert - ISRA Legal Assistance Committee Update

Published: Wed, 03/25/20


There have been only two perfect seasons in the NFL. In 1972, the Miami Dolphins were 16-0 after winning all 14 of their regular season games and both of their playoff games. Then in 2007, the New England Patriots went 18-0 and became the first team since the regular season expanded to 16 games to have a perfect season. 

That kind of excellence is rare.

We don’t like to brag but the Illinois State Rifle Association has a perfect record of its own. We are a perfect 16-0 in our recent court challenges. If the ISRA were a football team – we would be celebrated as one of the greatest teams in NFL history.

Of course, the ISRA is not a football team but our victories in court are much more important to our society than a football game. Each victory means one less intrusive law taking away the Constitutional rights of honest citizens.

These victories, though, come with a tremendous cost. The funds we have on hand to mount these court challenges are dwindling.

Here is where you come in. We need your help to continue fighting the gun grabbers in court. We soon will be involved in 9 different court cases. 

You read that right. Nine cases!

Please help us with this important work. We have the right legal team in place to handle these cases. We can and will be successful, but we need the funds to keep fighting. Go to our website and give generously to our Legal Assistance Committee. Log onto our LAC Donation Page and donate today!

Thank you in advance for your support.


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Richard Pearson
Chairman of the ISRA Legal Assistance Committee

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