The ISRA has learned that Gun Control Advocates might be filing a new version of Karina's Bill to be heard today at the Illinois Statehouse during this "Lame Duck" session. This bill would require a search warrant and seizure of your
firearms & ammo by law enforcement if someone files an order of protection against you. All without you having the chance to present your side of the issue in court. Advocates want to deny your rights based on allegations and then make you petition law enforcement to get your rights and property back. The ISRA has been warning it's members about this bill and you can click the video above to see our lobbyist, Ed Sullivan, talk about it in greater detail.
Of course in true Illinois fashion, we expect to have very little notice of the bill once it files and an even shorter time to respond by filing slips and testifying, so stay tuned to your emails and be ready to respond quickly.
Stand Strong &
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