Thursday Bulletin – February 13, 2025 Executive Director's Message Richard Pearson |
Litigation Update On Monday, the 2nd Judicial Circuit Court had, for the third time, struck down the requirement of having a FOID Card in the home as unconstitutional in the case of People of the State of Illinois vs. Vivian Claudine Brown. The ISRA legal team has been representing Ms. Brown in this nearly eight-year-long battle to recognize her rights. In 2017,
Vivian Brown became fearful of her husband and separated from him. During that time, she was in possession of a single shot .22 rifle for her protection. The estranged husband filed a complaint against Ms. Brown alleging she fired the rifle in the home. Police responded and found the rifle had not been fired, but the State’s Attorney charged Vivian with possessing a firearm without a FOID card. “It is the height of hypocrisy for Governor Pritzker to sign legislation today claiming to protect potential domestic violence victims, while at the same time the FOID card act is being used to disarm those same potential victims.” – Richard Pearson, ISRA Executive Director said today in response to this ruling and other legislation being acted on in Illinois. The
FOID card is a requirement to obtain a permit to exercise 2nd Amendment rights in the home, and today Judge Webb found that to be unconstitutional again. Additionally, the requirement to pay a fee to utilize that same right was also found unconstitutional as part of this ruling. “The State claims they need to charge $10 as an administrative fee. The ISRA agrees with Judge Webb that
the right to self defense is just as important as the right to vote. Could you imagine if voters had to pay a $10 fee in order to vote by mail? Illinois Democrats would be up in arms about disenfranchising voters but have no problem doing the same thing to firearms owners.” – Continued Mr. Pearson. The Illinois State Rifle Association is proud to continue supporting Ms. Brown in this case
and once again, ISRA attorneys have won this case. This case will be heard by the Illinois Supreme Court for the third time in 8 years and the Illinois State Rifle Association will continue to be by Vivian’s side as we continue to fight for Second Amendment Rights in Illinois. To learn more about the ISRA, including information on membership and donating to the legal assistance committee which funds cases like this, please visit Read Full Statement and Decision Here | Donate to Legal Assistance Here
Help Pass H.R. 987 – The Fair Access In Banking Act United States Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky as introduced the “Fair Access In Banking Act”, H.R. 987. This act will end the practice of
“de-banking”, the discrimination against legal firearm dealers by banks, which has been another way the anti-gun crowd has been using to attacking our Second Amendment rights. This practice has cut-off credit and other banking services to dealers, firearm manufacturers and firearm wholesalers. A similar resolution to the “Fair Access In Banking Act”, S. 401, has also been introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota. Both H.R. 987 and S. 401 deserve our backing and support. Please let your Congressmen and Senators know that you support these two resolutions.
President Trump Keeps His Promises – Reversal of Biden Anti-2A Actions Not even a month into
his second term in office, President Trump is following through on his promises to support and uphold 2A rights. With an eye on reversing the anti-2A actions of the Biden Administration's last four years, President Trump quickly signed an Executive Order on February 7th, protecting Second Amendment Rights and has vowed that his administration would make it a priority to undo the damage that President Biden and his Administration imposed on the American people. It was
something that pro-Second Amendment groups had hoped would be the case. Although it is still a bit early to celebrate, this is a promising move by President Trump. Let us hope that he, and his Administration, continue to keep their promises. To view the February 10, 2025, story
by David Bronson on , which offers a link to the text of Trump's Executive Order, Click HERE.
Caucus Co-Chairs in Michigan, Illinois Introduce Bills to Allow Hunter Education in Schools Michigan Caucus Co-Chair, Senator Jon Bumstead authored Michigan Senate Bill 58, and Illinois Sportsmen's
Caucus Co-Chair Neil Anderson introduced Illinois Senate Bill 1210, both of which would allow schools within their states to offer firearm safety and hunter safety instruction in the classroom. To view the February 10, 2025, story by Bob Matthews in , which further explains the bills, Click HERE.
Todays “Rosie The Riveter” Says Self-Defense Is My Right! - IGOLD '25 “Rosie The Riveter”
was an iconic character that was born out of necessity during World War II. She embodied the determination and spunk of a generation of women who took up the slack on the home-front during war-time. Trading their more feminine duties for overalls and bandana-wrapped hair, women from every corner of America went to work in the factories, workshops and manual labor jobs where men usually toiled, as their male counterparts were sent off to battle overseas. It was this “can do”
spirit and fortitude that played a pivotal role in America's successes at home and abroad during the Second World War. Today, the spirit of Rosie lives on in those strong women who stand firm for their right to self-defense and Second Amendment rights. Learning to use firearms effectively, teaching their families and their communities the importance of safe firearm use, and the need
to protect the right to bear arms are important aspects of life in the U.S.A. We are proud to say that more and more women are becoming well-trained, vocal, firearm owners every year. This year, we would like to put out a special invitation to our women members, along with their families and friends, to meet us in Springfield, Illinois, for the 2025 IGOLD march to the Capitol
building on May 14, 2025. Our legislators in Springfield need to see you and hear your strong voices! As the date draws closer, we will be sure to update everyone with more information on times and events. It should be a great day and I hope to see you there! For
ISRA “Rosie the Riveter” merchandise, visit our online store HERE.
IMPORTANT: NRA Board Of Directors Election & Certification Of Incorporation By
now, all of the voting members of the National Rifle Association have received their ballots to vote for directors and, most important, a proposed amendment for the certification of incorporation. Let's start with the proposed amendment. We really have no choice but to vote “yes” for the proposed amendment. What happened in New York was the State changed the Not-For-Profit Act
but the NRA did not change its certificate of incorporation. Someone at the NRA was asleep at the switch. This error gave New York State an opportunity to sue the NRA. The solution now is a simple vote “yes”. There are 28 people you can vote for out of the 39 who are running for Board of Directors. I do not vote for 28 because it weakens each vote and someone we may
want can get it. Remember, anyone can write a resume that makes them look like a pit-bull when they are really a Yorkshire terrier. Having been asked who I recommend, I am going to give my short list of picks below. However, it is your ballot and you should vote as you see fit. Here they are: Todd Vandermyde Todd Ellis James W. Porter Andrew P Colandro Charles T. Hiltunen James Wallace Willis Lee This is the most important NRA election in years. Please vote wisely!
National Second Amendment Day – February 22, 2025 We want to remind everyone that February 22 is National Second Amendment Day. The ISRA is committed to preserve the Second Amendment throughout
Illinois and the United States. More on this to follow.
Legislative Update The General Assembly has filed over 6500 bills and resolutions in the last few weeks. Our legislative team is hard at work identifying every bit of 2nd Amendment related legislation. They have found over 100
bills so far, and more are being added to our tracking reports daily as they sort the thousands of last minute filings from the past few days. You can follow along by clicking the ISRA Legislation Page. JUST
IN: Legislation in South Carolina has been introduced that would allow permit-less carry. If passed, that would make 30 states that allow permit-less carry. That's 60% folks!
Upcoming Municipal Elections Tuesday, April 1 will be the municipal elections in Illinois. These elections are extremely important because this is from where the next round
of State Representatives and State Senators will emerge. It is very important that you review all candidates in these elections and vote for those who are pro-gun.
NOTICE to all ISRA Members PLEASE CHECK YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARDS! We have had tremendous
problems with the mail in recent months, not being delivered. There are those that we have mailed Membership Renewal notices and they never received them. If your membership has expired or is close to expiring, please go online to our website, , or call the ISRA offices at 815-635-3198 to renew. Thank
Register NOW for ISRA Academy CCL Renewals Do not miss out on the ISRA Academy featuring CCL renewals each month. Upcoming dates are: 2/20/2025 (Thursday) 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/16/2025 (Sunday) 9:00am – 12:00pm / Range 11 &
Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/27/2025 (Thursday) 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE
Henry 1000 Man Shoot Rifle Raffle Help us fund our youth shooting programs by purchasing tickets for our Henry 1000-Man
Shoot Silver Boy rifles! ISRA will be raffling off rifle #873 out of 1000, which comes in its original case, on March 31, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to not only win a beautiful and rare firearm but also to support and encourage our young marksmen! If you prefer to call the office and purchase
tickets, you may do so between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday. You can also mail a check to the ISRA at P.O.Box 637, Chatsworth, IL. 60921. Be sure to include a note stating it is for the Henry Rifle Raffle. Ticket prices are 1 for $25, 5 for $100 and 15 for $250. Purchase Tickets for the Henry 1000 HERE
New IGOLD Merchandise in the ISRA Online Store Come visit the ISRA Online Store to view our new line of IGOLD merchandise. We have new items added every week and, if you have
something particular you would like to see available, let us know! We would love to hear your ideas and appreciate your input! Email them to us at: Visit the ISRA Online Store HERE
Education & Training @ ISRA Range, Bonfield, IL. ISRA Academy is continuing to offer CCL renewals each month – 2/20/2025 (Thursday) 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/16/2025 (Sunday) 9:00am – 12:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/27/2025 (Thursday) 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE Basic CCL Qualification – 3/15/2025 (Saturday) 8:30am – 5:00pm / Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/16/2025 (Sunday) 9:00am – 5:30pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 3/23/2025 (Sunday) 8:00am – 5:00pm / Range
9 & Clubhouse – Register HERE NRA Basic Rifle Instructor Class & BIT – 2/15/2025 (Saturday) 8:30am – 5:00pm /
Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 2/16/2025 (Sunday) 8:30am – 5:00pm / Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE Glock Operator Course – 2/13/2025 (Thursday) 8:00am – 5:00pm / Range 11 - Register HERE Pistol Coaching Class / Level 1 – 3/22/2025 (Saturday) 8:30am – 4:30pm / Range 1 & Clubhouse
– Register HERE 3/23/2025 (Sunday) 8:30am – 4:30pm / Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE Pistol Optics Principles with Brian Hill of “The Complete Combatant” – 4/12/2025 (Saturday) 9:00am – 6:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE 4/13/2025 (Sunday) 9:00am – 6:00pm / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE *** Please contact for any training or class questions and check the ISRA
Range Calendar HERE for links to dates, times, descriptions of ISRA activities and events.
Important Announcement - IGOLD The 2025 IGOLD date has been moved to
May 14, 2025. This is due to a change in the legislative calendar. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
The Illinois State Rifle Association is the home of marksmanship in Illinois
Tidbits February 14, 270 A.D.– Saint Valentine, a priest in Rome, was beheaded by Emperor Claudius II. Claudius believed that unmarried men would make better soldiers, so he outlawed marriage for young men to encourage more enlistments in the army. Saint Valentine continued to marry young couples, against Claudius' doctrine, for which he was imprisoned. During his imprisonment, he befriended
the jailer's daughter and left her a farewell note signed "from your Valentine" before Claudius had him beheaded – a grizzly beginning to the legend of St. Valentine's Day. February 14, 1884 – Theodore Roosevelt's wife and mother die on the same day. Roosevelt discovered his mother, Mittie, had died of typhoid fever. Later that day, Roosevelt's
wife, Alice Lee, died of Bright's disease after having given birth to his daughter, Alice, two days prior. Near the end of 1884, Roosevelt entrusted his daughter to his sister to raise and they all set out for the Dakota Territory. There, Roosevelt raised a herd of prize cattle, passed his free time by writing and reading history, and even became a sheriff. In 1885, the
cattle were wiped out in a blizzard. In 1886, Roosevelt moved back East and took up politics once again. February 16, 1804 – The U.S. Navy boards and burns the captured U.S. warship, USS Philadelphia, during the First Barbary War. The USS Philadelphia had run aground and its captain, William Bainbridge, and
crew, were captured by pirates on Tripolitan gunboats. The United States contingent feared that the Philadelphia would be used against them. The raid was led by Lt Stephen Decatur Jr., who captured or killed all but two of the Tripolitan sailors aboard the Philadelphia. Tripoli is located in present-day Libya. February 18, 1885 – Mark Twain, under his pen name Samuel Clemens, publishes his book entitled “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. The book is based around the story of young Huck Finn and his friend and runaway slave, Jim. The book has been hailed
a masterpiece despite many of the society types of the time turning up their noses at the book. Great American author, Ernest Hemingway, said about the book - “there was nothing before. And there has been nothing as good since.” February 19, 1945 – United States Marines invade the island of Iwo Jima. The island was defended by 21,000
Japanese troops. The United States Marines, Navy and Army Air Corps attacked with 110,000 troops. On March 26, 1945, the island was secured. The raising of the American flag on Mount Suribachi and the accompanying photo, became an iconic inspiration for the American people and one of the many symbols of the victories attained by the United States Marines. The Marine Memorial in Washington D.C. Is the depiction of the raising of the flag that day on Mount
While the gun show information shown in this email is believed to be accurate, sometimes changes occur. This is provided for informational purposes only. If your club or organization is holding a gun show, event
or class, let us know the details, and we’d be happy to post it. Feb 15 – Feb 16, 2025 Central Illinois Gun Collectors New Berlin Gun Show, Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin, IL. Mar 1 – Mar 2, 2025 Kankakee Gun &
Sportsman's Show, Kankakee Co. Fairgrounds, Kankakee, IL. Mar 7 – Mar 8, 2025 Prairieland Frontiersman Show, Sullivan American Legion, Sullivan, IL. Mar 9, 2025 Kane County Sportsman's Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL. Mar 29 – Mar 30, 2025 Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IL. April 5 – April 6, 2025 Chillicothe Sportsmen's Club Gun & Knife Show, Chillicothe, IL. April 13, 2025 Kane County Sportsman's Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL. May 17 – May 18, 2025 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman's Show, Kankakee Co. Fairgrounds, Kankakee, IL. June 6 – June 8, 2025 Pecatonica Gun Show, Winnebago County Fairgrounds, Pecatonica, IL. Sept 27 – Sept 28, 2025 Chillicothe Sportsmen's Club Gun & Knife Show, Chillicothe Sportsmen's Club House,
Chillicothe, IL. ISRA Grassroots Monthly Meetings Come and meet fellow activists and learn the latest on protecting our Second Amendment Rights! Northwest Suburban - 3rd Tues – Golden Corral, 1591 S.
Randall Rd., Algonquin, IL; Doors open 6pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm South Suburban/Cook County - 2nd Thurs – Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St., Midlothian, IL; Doors open 6:30pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm Will County - 3rd Wed – Silver Dollar Restaurant, 422 E. Mississippi Ave., Elwood, IL; Doors open 6pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm Livingston
County – Last Saturday of the month – South Post Guns, 104 Livingston Rd., Streator, IL; Social Hour 4:30pm – 5:30pm; Meeting 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Strong & Thank you for being a member!