ISRA South Suburban Cook County
Grassroots Meeting Thursday!
Hello All,
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 11th at Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St. Midlothian, IL. 7:00pm to 8:00 pm.
Come out and join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always we will discuss current events.
Our guest speaker will be Jennifer DeVitto.
Jennifer represents Armed Women of America.
The AWA exists to enable women to be their own self-protectors, creating freedom, peace of mind, and confidence in themselves. Our vision is that women have the skills, mindset, and training to defend themselves and those in their care. Armed Women of America is a non-profit organization with
chapters across the country where women gather regularly to learn and grow in their abilities to handle firearms safely, responsibly, and competently. AWA exists to enable women to be their own self-protectors, creating freedom, peace of mind, and confidence in themselves. Their vision is that women have the skills, mindset, and training to defend themselves and those in their care.
Jennifer is married with four kids and 5 grandchildren. She has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. Jennifer started shooting about 14 years ago when she joined the Well Armed Women, now Armed Woman of America (AWA). She became a chapter leader and earned her NRA Instructor certification. She then earned the Refuse to Be a Victim certification and then went on to earn the USCCA Instructor certification. She became the IL State Leader for AWA and two years ago she
stepped in and became WI and Ohio’s State leader for AWA.
Jennifer also help run a second chapter in IL.