ISRA South Suburban Cook County
Grassroots Meeting TONIGHT!
Join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting.
Our next meeting
will be held on Thursday, April 11th at Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St. Midlothian, IL. 7:00pm to 8:00 pm Come out and join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban
Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always we will discuss current events.
Our Guest Speaker will be David G. Sigale.
David is the General Counsel for the Illinois State Rifle Association.
Aside fighting for our Second Amendment Rights, David has also been co-counsel in the
successful Second Amendment case of McDonald v, Chicago, where his clients prevailed in the United States Supreme Court. For those facing Second Amendment issues in Illinois, David has repeatedly fought for firearms-related businesses who were inhibited in their ability to open and/or operate due to excessive or targeted governmental restrictions.
On a personal level, David has litigated numerous cases regarding the
denial or revocation of both FOID cards and concealed carry licenses, including CCL rejections by the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board. David is also available for consultation and representation for the criminal defense of alleged firearms-related offenses. David was given the Second Amendment Foundation’s Bill of Rights award in 2011 and 2016, and the CCRKBA’s Gun Rights Defender of the Year award in 2014. He is a regular speaker on Second
Amendment issues. This will be a very informative meeting.