ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots Meeting Tomorrow!
Join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always, we will
discuss current events.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 9th at Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St. Midlothian, IL. 7:00pm to 8:00 pm Come out and join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always we will discuss current events.
We have the great fortune of having three guest speakers. Mandi Ehler, Gene Brecheen and
Mandi Ehler is a registered concealed carry instructor for the state of Illinois and second amendment
activist working with Women for Gun Rights, previously known as The DC Project and the NRA
Frontline Activist
Gene Breechen is a Concealed Carry licensee, a collector, and a hunter as well. He is a proud member of
the ISRA and the range in Bonfield. Gene is currently going back to finish his degree to become a high
school history
teacher. He has always loved history, and firearms were a way to connect with that.
Tony Clark is Vice President of ISRA Board Directors and Oversee s the ISRA Range along with
the ISRA Training Academy. Tony has 16 years of military service and is retired from Law
Enforcement. He is a supporter of US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.