ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots Meeting Thursday!
Join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always, we will
discuss current events.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14th at Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St. Midlothian, IL. 7:00pm to 8:00 pm Come out and join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always we will discuss current events.
Our guest speaker is Chris Smith. Chris is a retired Lieutenant and paramedic with the Orland Fire
Protection District, with 29 years full time (3 on Chicago Fire Department, 26 on Orland Fire District). His
current responsibilities include instructing the public CPR and First Aid classes at the Orland Fire District
(30 years so far). He is also an
affiliate faculty at Prairie State college running the First Responder and
various CPR programs since 1999. He remains a certified paramedic (43 years) and certified Lead
Instructor through Illinois Dept. of Public Health.