Legislative Updates
Rep. Greg Johnson filed HB2795, which was an omnibus bill to help prevent Veteran Suicides. One provision in the bill allowed a veteran to take their firearms in a moment of crisis to a Federal Firearm Licensee (FFL) for safe storage. ISRA reached out to FFLs of Illinois for their perspective on this issue. Certainly, FFLs want to do anything they can to help prevent veteran suicides, but the concerns raised by the industry revolved
around liability for FFLs that would participate in this cause.
ISRA researched the issue and found legislation in the Virginia Legislature that would have created a tax credit for the purchase of safe storage devices such as locks,
gun vaults, and safes. The sponsor agreed to add an amendment that would create the Firearm Safety Tax Credit. This would be a $300 tax credit for the purchase of safe storage devices for Veterans who are in crisis and qualify for the provisions of the act. Specifically:
· Eligible Veterans that are in the duress of crisis who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress
disorder or have expressed contemplating suicide
· $300 refundable tax credit for the purchase of safe storage devices
· Up to $5,000,000 is allocated to this tax credit annually.
· Program administered by the
Department of Veterans Affairs
HB2795 is still being negotiated based on other parts of the proposed legislation. We encourage ISRA members to contact their legislators and ask that this bill be given consideration
for a vote on the House floor.