ISRA lobbyists in Springfield believe that there will be two major issues discussed and potentially voted on between now and the end of session:
HB1404 deals with domestic violence orders of protection and other orders of protection. One of the remedies in law presently available to judges is to order the surrender of a person's FOID card and make them dispose of their firearms to another person that has a FOID card for safekeeping during the length of the order of protection.
Under HB1404, a person must surrender the firearms to law enforcement, and an order could be authorized without a person being present in court. Aside from taking away someone’s due process to be in court, current law allows a judge to order a firearm destroyed if the firearm is in
law enforcement's hands and cannot be returned to the owner. This means if a person had to surrender their firearms to law enforcement and then legally lost their FOID card, a judge could order those firearms destroyed instead of turning them over to a relative.
Imagine a person who had an extensive and valuable collection not being able to give this collection to their family.
HB1305 sets up the Task Force of
Firearm Insurance. Anti-gun politicians want to form a task force to force legal gun owners to carry liability insurance on their firearms. This would place an unnecessary financial burden on legal gun owners. ISRA has had discussions with members of the insurance industry. Not only do they want to avoid this issue, but they also currently have no product they could sell to gun owners.
We will remain vigilant on these issues, among others, as they emerge.