South Suburban Cook County Grassroots Meeting 5-11-2023
Hello All,
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 11th, at Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St., Midlothian, IL. 7:00 pm to
8:00 pm
Come out and join your friends at the ISRA South Suburban Cook County Grassroots meeting. As always, we will discuss current events.
Our guest speaker will be John Krupa III, CEO / Director of Training, Certified Firearm Specialist (IFSA), Master Firearms Instructor (ILETSB), Distinguished
Weapons Expert (DHS)
Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC
Our host Kenootz Pizza will be serving a buffet-style dinner with unlimited soft drinks starting at 6:30 pm.
The cost of the buffet is $13.00
Join us and enjoy great food and company and
help support our gracious host, Kenootz Pizza.
Thank you,
ISRA South Suburban Grassroots Meeting Board.
Our email address: