Call your IL State Representative to voice your concerns
about HB-5855!
Find your IL legislators:
Questions to ask your Representative:
1. Do you believe that the rights of the individual, as outlined in the U.S. Bill of Rights, restrict government from infringing upon our protected freedoms?
2. What is your personal experience with firearms? Do you own now? Have you owned in the
past? Are friends or family members firearm owners, or experienced with firearms?
3. What, in your words, is the specific intent of this "Protect Illinois Communities Act" bill? How will you measure its effectiveness?
4. Illinois had all the tools it needed to stop the Highland Park mass shooting. What is your thinking on how HB-5855 will reduce crime in IL and your District?
5. Firearm registration is the step prior to
confiscation. Do you intend to progress to firearm registration and confiscation?
6. Communities of color are victimized by more crime than residents of white communities. Do you think this bill will help or hurt people of color, and how?
7. Why eliminate our most common citizen self-defense tools?
8. Have you calculated the probable loss of life if citizen self-defenses are effectively nullified with this bill, as criminals take advantage of citizens with weakened defenses, such as women, the elderly, and the
9. Since criminals don’t abide by the firearm laws,
and there are 2.6 million FOID cardholders in IL, the end result of this bill is simply to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens. Does the Illinois Legislature really want 2 million more felons?
10. This law will be declared unconstitutional after a series of protracted legal challenges. Why subject Illinois taxpayers to this unnecessary expense?
Get together with as a group. Call together, or set up a meeting or Zoom call with your Representative!! Contact the ISRA if you need help.