By now all our 2A friends know that the Anti-Gun Politicians are indeed coming for your
guns in the form of HB5855, the so called Protect Illinois Communities Act. Here at ISRA we call it the “Surrender to Criminals that don’t Follow the Law Act”. If you follow any 2A groups on social media I’m sure you are getting inundated with requests to file what are called witness slips opposing this legislation. The State of Illinois “graciously” allows its’
subjects to voice their opinion on pending legislation through the filing of online witness slips. But they don’t make this very easy.
Witness slips are a powerful way to let legislators know how residents of Illinois feel about a certain subject.
The process unfortunately is daunting and time consuming. The issue is that for every committee hearing that HB5855 will be heard in, we must file a new witness slip. Presently, HB5855 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary Criminal Committee on December 12th. We have also been told to expect hearings on December 14th and
December 19th. The bill will then be heard in committee come lame duck session in January. Add in the fact that we think the bill number will change come January, that’s a lot of witness slips. Daunting indeed.
The following video hopefully can shed some light on the process to file a witness slip. Keep filing witness slips and show the Anti-gunners whose boss! It’s time for all of us to use our 1st Amendment Rights to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.