ISRA Thursday Bulletin - November 10, 2022

Published: Thu, 11/10/22


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - November 10, 2022



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

Federal Judge Glenn Suddaby issued a preliminary injunction against New York State’s so-called “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”.  Judge Suddaby cited numerous constitutional violations in the New York act.  The Judge’s issuing of the preliminary injunction contained so many points it is likely that a permanent injunction will be issued.  The case against New York’s latest transgression against individual liberty was brought by six New York plaintiffs, GOA, and NRA.  The State of New York leads the way in getting laws declared unconstitutional.

Tyree Moorehead, a Baltimore anti-gun violence activist, was shot and killed by police while threatening a woman with a knife.  Moorehead had previously spent time in prison for murder.  Some of Moorehead’s relatives complained because he had been shot several times.  The problem is that with people like Moorehead, although they have been shot, they can still kill.  You have to shoot them until they are completely de-capacitated.

The 2022 Midterm Elections are not quite over.  Nevertheless, the red wave seems to have turned into a red ripple.  The problem was that Republicans were fighting the last war, not this war.  Early voting was one of the major problems for the Republicans.  The election of John Fetterman over Dr. Oz is a prime example.  It is my understanding that hundreds of Democratic volunteers went door to door explaining the Democrat’s platform and securing early ballots.  Nothing wrong with that, that is the way it should be done.  I don’t like early voting but as long as we have it, we all need to be good at it. 

Money plays a huge roll in politics, there is no denying it.  Governor Pritzker spent 110 million dollars of his own money, for example.  Senator Raphael Warnock in Georgia reportedly spent 200 million dollars. Things need to change for conservatives before the 2024 General Elections or Joe Biden, or someone like him, will be the next president.

In the Illinois House, the new map took its toll.  Democrats gained four seats and now have 77 of the 118 seats.  That is nearly two thirds of the House of Representatives.  For those keeping count, the Democrats have a Super Majority plus six.  A Super Majority is 71 votes and the Dems have 77.

The Illinois State Senate isn’t any better.  The Republicans did make a modest gain, but the Democrats still have a Super Majority plus a couple.  We don’t know the exact number yet.

What does all this mean for gun owners?  It no surprise that we will be on the defensive.  All through the summer there have been meetings with the firearm’s committees.  I expect to see proposals for so-called assault weapons bans and all kinds of creative, and probably unconstitutional ways, to limit our Second Amendment Rights.  We will see more actions in the courts. 

First Veto Session is coming up on November 15th,16th, and 17th; the Second Veto Session will be November 29th, 30th, and December 1st.   We will know more then.

You should have received an offer to upgrade your membership status in the mail.  This is the time of year we offer reduced prices on our Life, Endowment, Patron, and Benefactor memberships.  Please be sure to take advantage of this special offer.  If you did not receive this special offer, you can email us at or call the office and we can help you over the phone. 


November 10, 1775 - Happy Birthday U.S. Marines.  On this date, the Continental Congress passed a resolution to raise “two Battalions of Marines be raised” and they were to serve as landing forces for the United States Navy.  The resolution was drafted by John Adams.  The Continental Navy and the United States Marines were deactivated in 1783.  The United States Congress established the United States Navy in 1789 and on July 11th of that year, the Marines were made a permanent part of the military.  President John Adams signed the bill.

As part of the celebration of the birthday of the United States Marines, I want to talk about one of my favorite Marines, Staff Sargent Reckless.  I know many of you know the story of Staff Sargent Reckless but for those who don’t, here is an abbreviated version.

On June 25th, 1950, the Korean War broke out.  Korea isn’t the most pleasant place.  The terrain is rough; when it rains, the mud is more like goo and soldiers and military vehicles have a terrible time. Winter is also lousy.  One of the units sent to Korea was a Recoilless Rifle Platoon which was part of the 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.  Recoilless Rifles are 105-millimeter (4 inch) guns.  They are effective antitank guns lightweight and portable.  The shell for the Recoilless Rifles weighs 24 pounds each so they are difficult to lug around.

The platoon decided they buy a horse to help with hauling the ammunition for the Recoilless Rifles.  A horse was a much better suited for the conditions and could carry 8 rounds.  The platoon found a Mongolian horse at a South Korean racetrack.  The owner needed a prosthetic leg for his sister, so he reluctantly sold the horse for $250 to the platoon.  He reportedly cried to see the horse go.

The Marines named the horse Reckless.  They trained her and she learned quickly.  She got used to the sounds of battle, the blast of artillery shells leaving and coming in.  In fact, she ignored them.  Reckless was smart and after a few times going to and from a position she could not only remember the way, but she would also go back and forth on her own.  Soon she was promoted to Corporal Reckless.  Reckless fit right in with her fellow Marines.  The Marines loved her and she loved them.  She was given free rein to run around the camp.  She loved beer, Coca-Cola, and mashed potatoes.  She would eat about anything and it didn’t bother her.  She often slept inside the tents with the other Marines.  She was protected from the weather.  She was “one of the boys”.  It was evident that Reckless was born to be a Marine. 

She had many missions, but her finest hour came during the Battle of Vegas Outpost.  Reckless distinguished herself above and beyond the call of duty.  The Marines were greatly outnumbered and they needed ammunition for the Recoilless Rifle badly.  Reckless learned the route quickly.  Despite the fierce battle going on, Reckless made 51 trips back and forth between the front lines carrying 386 rounds of Recoilless Rifle Shells to the Marines and bring wounded Marines back to base for medical treatment.  Reckless had carried between 4 and 5 tons of ammunition, supplies, and wound soldiers during the battle all on her own.  Reckless was wounded twice from shrapnel but nothing deterred her from her mission.  She received two Purple Hearts and was promoted to Corporal.  Corporal Reckless was the first horse to be part of an amphibious landing.  Corporal Reckless could string as much wire as 12 men on foot.  She performed many duties in her Marine career.

When she arrived back in the United States, the Department of Agriculture gave her a rough time.  She was tested for a sexually transmitted disease which the Marines considered an affront to her honor.  The Marines were told if she didn’t pass, she would be destroyed which incensed the Marines.  Despite all the trials and tribulations of getting Reckless home, she made it in time for the Marine Birthday celebration.  She ate both her cake and the flower arrangements. 

She was promoted to Sargent by the commander of the 1st Marine Division in 1954 before a reviewing stand.  In 1959, Sargent Reckless was promoted to Staff Sargent, personally by the Commandant of the Marine Corps with 1700 Marines marching in review.  In lieu of a pension, Reckless retired to Camp Pendleton.  She had four folds.  She died in 1968 at the age of 19 or 20.  Staff Sargent Reckless was buried with full military honors.  A statue of Staff Sargent Reckless was unveiled at the National Marine Corps Museum on July 26th, 2013.  A lock of her tail hair is in the base of her statue.  There is a quote from one of the Marines who served with her, Sargent Harold Wadley.  “The spirit of her loneliness and her loyalty, in spite of the danger, was something to behold.  Hurting.  Determined.  And alone.  That’s the image I have imprinted on my mind and heart forever “.
Staff Sargent Reckless, America’s war horse.

November 10, 1905 - Mary Anderson patents the windshield wiper.  Originally it was for electric cars only.  She was scoffed at and she never made any money from her invention.

November 11, 1918 - Armistice Day, World War I ends.  That really isn’t true because no peace treaty was ever signed.  The Allied Powers led by Great Britain, France, and the United States, imposed draconian, crushing penalties on Germany which brought about the rise of Nazism in Germany and plunged the world into an even more terrible war.  The study of WWI is crucial to understanding today’s world over 100 years later.

Appropriately, November 11th is called Veterans Day.  Let us all take a moment and think of their sacrifice and how much they have given to us.  Bless them all.

November 11, 1978 - The Dukes of Hazzard made their first jump over a squad car in General Lee, their orange Dodge Charger.  That scene was replayed at the end of every show until the show ended in 1985. The Dukes of Hazzard went through 300 Dodge Chargers before the end of the show.  The Original General Lee’s first jump was also its last jump.  The car was wrecked.  The stunt crew had to put concrete or lead in the trunks of every General Lee car to keep them from turning over in midair.  They must have been Dodge’s nest customer.

November 12, 1775 - Abigail Adams let the British know where they stood after they turned down the Olive Branch Petition offered by the Colonies.  “Let us separate, they are unworthy to be our brethren,” said Abigail.  Abigail hit the nail on the head that time.

November 15, 1777 - The Articles of Confederation are adopted.  This was the first attempt to form a new nation.  The articles were weak, still the colonists went from being under the thumb of a sovereign king to being a sovereign people, a big difference and the beginning of the Great Experiment.

November 16, 1957 - Wisconsin farmer Edward Gein kills Bernice Worden of Plainfield, Wisconsin.  Gein had a domineering mother who died in 1945.  Gein began to study anatomy and at some point, turned to grave robbing, necrophilia, and cannibalism.  Bernice Worden’s son was a deputy sheriff and suspected Gein.  When they searched Gein’s house, they found skulls turned into soup bowls and entrails used as decorations throughout the house.  On the stove was a human heart simmering in a pot.  His chairs were upholstered with human skin.  Gein was used as an inspiration for several movie characters.  The first was Norman Bates in “Psycho” and another was Buffalo Bill in the “Silence of the Lambs”.  Creepy to say the least.

Thanks for being a member!

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, November 16 & 23, 2022
Pellet Rifle League

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Women’s Pistol Team Practice

Saturday, November 19, 2022
ISRA Academy NRA Basic Rifle Class

Sunday, November 20, 2022
ISRA Academy NRA Basic Rifle Class
Defensive Shooting Class

Saturday, November 26, 2022
Armed Women of America

Sunday, November 27, 2022
Fall Glock League
Pistol Drills

Gun & Trade Shows

Kane County Sportsman’s Show – St Charles, IL
Kane County Fairgrounds
Date: November 13, 2022
Hours: Sunday: 7:30-1:30
Admission: $7.00

McHenry County Gun Show – Woodstock, IL
McHenry County Fairgrounds
Date: November 20, 2022
Hours: Sunday: 7:30-1:00
Admission: $5.00

Central Illinois Gun Collectors New Berlin Show – New Berlin, IL
Sangamon County Fairgrounds
Dates: November 26 & 27, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
             Sunday: 9:00-2:00
Admission: $5.00

Sauk Trail Gun Show – Princeton, IL
Bureau County Fairgrounds
Dates: November 26 & 27, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 8:30-4:00
             Sunday: 8:30-3:00
Admission: $5.00



PO Box 637
420 E Locust St
Chatsworth Illinois 60921

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