ISRA Thursday Bulletin - November 3, 2022

Published: Thu, 11/03/22


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - November 3, 2022



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

The Midterm Elections are only five days away.  Many voters have already voted using early voting.  The problem with early voting is that in the week prior to an election, facts often come out about candidates that could influence an election, but it is too late for those who have already cast their ballots.  I have long been suspicious of early voting for that very reason.  The Hunter Biden coverup which has been aided and abetted by both the FBI and the lame stream media is a prime example.  In Pennsylvania, John Fetterman is another prime example of a person, regardless of party, who should not be elected to office.  If he is, he will probably resign and someone nobody voted for will be appointed to fill his slot.  I don’t know if a special election is called for in Pennsylvania or not.  The November Full Moon will occur early Election Day morning.  Even worse, there will also be a lunar eclipse on Election Day.  This is a bad omen for somebody.

The media, of course, are always toiling away covering up the truth on their chosen liberal candidate while if the candidate is conservative, they elevate a jaywalking ticket received 20 years ago to high treason.  I certainly don’t think the voting system is secure.  I caught a news story a few days ago where a bunch of computer people held a “Hack-a-thon”.  It took a 10-year-old girl only 11 minutes to get into the local secure voting system.  That’s comforting.

Will the gun owners across the country make a difference is the question before us today.  I certainly hope so.  Of course, babbling Joe Biden continues his attack on gun owners and firearms.  This week he declared he would allow more than 8 bullets per round.  Say what?  A couple of months ago, ballistics expert that he is, Joe informed us all that a bullet from an AR15 travels five times as fast as other bullets.  This guy insults everyone’s intelligence.

The Illinois State Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation, Illinois Carry, and two citizens have filed an appeal in the Miller v Smith case.  The plaintiff, the Millers, operate as licensed foster care givers.  They are unable to keep firearms available for their own defense or the defense of the children they have in their care.  The case is filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. 

I am always warning everyone to be careful and look out for people who might want to attack you or your loved ones.  The best plan is to avoid such an attack if possible.  Sometimes, however, they can’t be avoided.  These days it seems attackers often come in twos or threes.  Last week in Pennsylvania, they came in fours.  This occurred in Pennsylvania last Thursday night: Two people came out of a pub to find four men leaning on their car.  The guess is the intent was to steal the car and rob them although that remains to be proven.  In any case, the four men attacked the two who came out of the pub.  One of the intended victims escaped and went for help. This left one guy facing four attackers.  The four attackers hit and knocked the victim down.  The victim warned the attackers that he had a carry permit but they didn’t stop beating him.  Eventually, the intended victim was able to draw his pistol.  He killed two of the attackers on the spot and wounded the third.  The police finally arrived and arrested the fourth attacker who is now charged with second degree murder because he was involved with the death of two of his partners.  The whole incident was caught on video and showed the intended victim acted in self-defense. 

This incident shows the value of advanced training.  Most people practice facing the target while standing.  Advanced classes show you how to shoot from the ground or other awkward positions.  This is one of situations where this type of training came in handy.  Do not underestimate your enemy or overestimate your own ability.  Training gives you an idea of what you can and can’t do.

Recently, we have received calls asking about telephone solicitations for donations from the ISRA.  The ISRA does not solicit donations by phone.

As you might imagine, the ISRA has many members who are or were members of the United States Military.  Some I personally know and some I do not.  Many members were in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam Nam.  Also, every day we get notices of our members passing.  I always stop for a moment, read the name, and think of them.

One of those who passed this week was 96-year-old John Barnhart of Chatsworth.  John was an ISRA member and avid deer hunter.  He was a WWII veteran who served as General George Patton’s driver from the Battle of the Bulge until the end of the war in Europe.  As his driver, John was also assigned to keep General Patton’s several helmets lacquered and polished.  The General always wanted a fresh helmet and maybe two every day if there was a special occasion.  John was a mechanic and when the U.S. Army Air Corps split off and became the United States Air Force, John became part of the new military branch.  When the Berlin Air Lift began in 1948 and spilled over into 1949, John was a mechanic on the U.S. Air Force cargo planes.  It was a busy demanding job.  In the 11 months the Berlin Air Lift lasted, the U.S Air Force and British Air Corps flew 270,000 missions and delivered 2.3 million tons of cargo.  There were about 818 missions per day.  That is more than two missions per minute around the clock.  Mechanics were busy keeping them flying.  John Barnhart in an example of the greatest generation.  I am proud to have known John and all veterans who have given so much and guaranteed our freedom.


November 3, 2014 - One World Trade Center opens in New York.  The new building which was built on the site of the twin towers was destroyed in the September 11th, 2011, terrorist attack and is 1776 feet tall from the base to the top of the spire.

November 4, 1842 - Abraham Lincoln and Mary Ann Todd are married in Springfield, Illinois.  Mrs. Lincoln dropped her middle name and was then known as Mary Todd Lincoln.  Mary Todd Lincoln had a tragic life.  She not only saw her husband assassinated but three of her four sons died.  She also received a head injury in a carriage accident in 1862 which caused her to suffer migraines throughout the rest of her life.  The cruel press often criticized Mrs. Lincoln.  She suffered from continued depression and finally, her only living son Robert had to have her committed to a mental hospital.  To add insult to injury, Mrs. Lincoln had no money and had asked Congress for a widow’s pension.  The pension narrowly passed Congress.  The pension was $3000 per year.

Mary Todd Lincoln grieved for her deceased children and in 1882 on the anniversary of the death of her youngest son, she collapsed and died the next day.  She was 63.  A sad chapter in American history.

November 5, 1941 - The Combined Japanese Fleet receives Order No. 1 to attack Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

November 6, 1869 - Rutgers beats Princeton 6-4 in the first college football game.

November 6. 2022 - Daylight savings time ends.  Everyone must be up exactly 2:00am to the set the clocks back. 

November 7, 1916 - Jeanette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman elected to Congress.  She was born on a ranch near Missoula, Montana.  She was an avowed pacifist and was the only vote against United States entry into WWI.  She was defeated in her first bid for re-election in 1918.

November 8, 1895 - German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, accidentally discovers X-rays.  X-rays are electromagnetic waves 1000 times shorter than light rays.  They can pass through the body but not dense metals like lead.  What no one understood was the radiation associated with X-rays.  Hundreds of researchers and doctors died of various forms of cancer after being repeatedly exposed to X-rays.

The first use of X-rays was during the Balkan Wars to find broken bones and bullets inside of wounded soldiers.  Otherwise, dangerous exploratory surgery was the only option.  The use of X-rays greatly reduced the loss of life.  When President William McKinley was shot, doctors tried to use X-rays to find the bullets.  The problem was they laid the President on a mattress with steel springs which of course didn’t work very well.

November 9, 1862 - Major General William Burnside assumes command of the Union Army of the Potomac after Lincoln removed General George McClellan as Commander.  Burnside really didn’t want the job.  While Burnside was a solid unit commander, he was not a leader, and he knew his limitations.  He was soon relieved by General Joseph Hooker, who was a more able man for the job.

Ambrose Burnside graduated from West Point in 1847.  In 1853, he resigned his commission in the United States Army to work on a new firearm design he wanted to sell to the Army.  It would be the first metallic cartridge firearm the army would use.  In 1847, Burnside’s Carbine beat out 17 other entries at the West Point trials.  Burnside refused to pay a bribe that was demanded to get his carbine adopted by the army and eventually sold the patents to other investors.  Burnside then became the treasurer of the Illinois Central Railroad.  He was an honest man as he had already proven it.  When the Civil War broke out, he was appointed a Colonel in the Rhode Island Volunteers.  Burnside may not have been the great leader Lincoln needed but he was very intelligent.  After the Civil War, he served on several railroad boards of directors.  During the Civil War, he was appalled at the terrible marksmanship of Union troops. In 1871, he became one of the founders and first president of the National Rifle Association. 

Thanks for being a member!

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, November 5, 2022
Range Work Day
ISRA Steel Challenge

Sunday, November 6, 2022
Bonfield Muzzle Loaders

Wednesday, November 9 & 16, 2022
Pellet Rifle League

Saturday, November 19 & 20, 2022
ISRA Academy NRA Basic Rifle Class

Saturday, November 26, 2022
Armed Women of America

Sunday, November 27, 2022
Fall Glock League
Pistol Drills

Gun & Trade Shows

Mt Vernon Knife Show – Mt Vernon, IL
Rolland W Lewis Community Building
Dates: November 4 & 5, 2022
Hours: Friday: 1:00-6:00
             Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Admission: $3.00

Aledo Gun & Knife Show – Aledo, IL
Mercer County Fairgrounds
Dates: November 5 & 6, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-5:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $5.00

Kane County Sportsman’s Show – St Charles, IL
Kane County Fairgrounds
Date: November 13, 2022
Hours: Sunday: 7:30-1:30
Admission: $7.00

McHenry County Gun Show – Woodstock, IL
McHenry County Fairgrounds
Date: November 20, 2022
Hours: Sunday: 7:30-1:00
Admission: $5.00

Central Illinois Gun Collectors New Berlin Show – New Berlin, IL
Sangamon County Fairgrounds
Dates: November 26 & 27, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
             Sunday: 9:00-2:00
Admission: $5.00

Sauk Trail Gun Show – Princeton, IL
Bureau County Fairgrounds
Dates: November 26 & 27, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 8:30-4:00
             Sunday: 8:30-3:00
Admission: $5.00



PO Box 637
420 E Locust St
Chatsworth Illinois 60921

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