ISRA Thursday Bulletin - September 22, 2022

Published: Thu, 09/22/22


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - September 22, 2022



Executive Directors Message
Richard Pearson

Autumn has officially arrived today.  Archery deer season will start in nine days.  At the moment, very few of the crops are out.  This will happen quickly depending on the weather, how dry the crops are in the field, and elevator capacity.  As the crops shrink in the fields, deer will be moving.  The October full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon. It will peak on October 9th.  Drivers beware. 

As of today, there are only 47 days until the Midterm Elections.  The races will tighten making your vote more valuable.  Remember to make your voting plans if you think you can’t make to the polls on election day.  Make sure one of your options is not to vote.  Gun owners who do not vote are a problem.  Don’t be part of the problem.

I am sad to report the passing of Cathy Canterbury.  Her husband, Harry Canterbury, passed earlier this year.  Harry and Cathy were the driving forces behind Adventure Sports Outdoors (ASO) magazine, radio, and television.  They were BIG ISRA supporters, Second Amendment supporters, and advocates for hunting and fishing.  ASO is now under new ownership and management.  I and every other sportsman should be grateful that the powerful voice of ASO will carry on.  At this time, there are no final arrangements for Cathy Canterbury.

One of the duties, in fact the original duty, of the ISRA is to teach civilians marksmanship skills.  Theodore Roosevelt recognized this as an important function to protect the United States from its enemies both foreign and domestic.  We seem to have plenty of those right now.

There is still time to register for the Civilian Marksmanship Program/Army Marksmanship Unit classes for Range Officers, Pistol Marksmanship 101, and Rifle Marksmanship 101 classes to be held at the ISRA Range in Bonfield, just west of Kankakee.  The dates are September 30th, October 1st and 2nd

Illinois State Rifle Association 2022 Marksmanship 101 Rifle and Pistol M16 & M9 Match:
The CMP will be holding a travel Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship 101 Class at the Illinois State Rifle Association on Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2, 2022.  The location is 1589 North 7000 West Rd. Bonfield, Illinois 60913.  Classes are held at the same time; you will need to choose Rifle or Pistol.

Rifle 101 will be a two-day class, with day one consisting of classroom instruction, range training, and practice.  Day two will be the firing of an M16 match, fired on Kongsberg Electronic targets.  The cost for Rifle 101 is $95.00 for adults and $85.00 for juniors.

Pistol 101 will be one day with classroom instruction, range training and practice, followed by firing of an M9 match.  The cost for Pistol 101 is $95.00 for adults and $85.00 for juniors.
CMP will be providing Rifles, Pistols and ammunition.  Competitors should bring the following if they have them: Mats, scopes, jackets, safety glasses etc.  Check in will begin at 7:00AM for Rifle & Pistol Saturday, October 1, 2022, and Class will begin at 8:00AM.
Lunch will be provided; if you have dietary restrictions, we ask that you bring your own lunch.
CMP is conducting seated (classroom) Range Officer Level II - Highpower Rifle and Bulls-Eye Pistol classes on Friday, September 30, 2022.  Rifle 8:00AM-Noon - Pistol 1:00PM-3:00PM.

You must complete Range Officer Level I Online Course before taking Level II.  Currently, registration is only open for the Range Officer Level I Course.  For information, contact Amy at or Kim at
As we get closer to January 1st, 2023, and the implementation of the SAFE-T Act, we are seeing more examples of what happens where similar laws and policies are already in effect.  The latest example is the guy in New York City who chopped up a McDonalds Restaurant with a hatchet.  He was out in 18 hours.  I will bet he has his hatchet or another one like it.

Here are the basics of the SAFE-T Act:
Because state law deems certain crimes probational, under the SAFE-T Act those accused of these crimes cannot be detained pretrial: Robbery, Burglary (non-residential), Arson (non-residential), Vehicular Invasion, DUI causing bodily harm or death, Involuntary Manslaughter or Reckless Homicide, 2nd Degree Murder, Concealment of a Homicidal Death, Kidnapping.

“Upon verified petition by the state, the court shall hold a hearing and may deny a defendant pretrial release only if…”:
  • They are charged with a forcible felony (as defined in 720 ILCS 5/2-8) that is non-probational.
  • They are charged with aggravated stalking or stalking and their release poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of the victim.
  • Their family member or a member of their household is the victim, the person was subject to the terms of an order of protection and their release poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of any person or persons.
  • They are charged with domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery and their release poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of any person or persons.
  • They are charged with a sex crime and their release poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of any person or persons.
  • They are charged with aggravated or reckless discharge; armed habitual criminal; manufacture of bullets; unlawful sale or purchase of firearms; gunrunning or trafficking; involuntary servitude; or human trafficking and their release presents a threat to the physical safety of any specifically identifiable person or persons.
  • They have a high likelihood of willful flight and are charged with any felony offense other than a class 4. *Previous history of flight or failure to appear cannot be considered in determining flight risk.

As you can see, the SAFE-T Act is going to put everyone at risk.  This monstrosity needs to be changed but my guess is that if it is changed, some State Attorneys will follow it anyway.  You, your loved ones, and friends need to be ready.  If they don’t have a FOID Card, get one.  If they don’t have an Illinois Concealed Carry License, they should get one as soon as possible.  In the meantime, I would contact your State Representative and State Senator and ask them to change the SAFE-T Act.

The anti-gunners are always telling us to just cooperate with the criminals and you won’t get hurt.  That is not true; those who resist have a better chance of surviving and not being hurt.  Last week, I pointed out that 90% of the shootings occur in “Gun Free Zones”.  A fine example of what happens occurred in Tupelo, Mississippi, when a Chevron Food Mart was robbed and the clerk was murdered.  Chevron has a policy of no guns without approval from their Global Security team.  I am sure approval is tough to get.  I would like to know if they have ever issued approval for anyone.  The clerk at the Chevron Food Mart cooperated fully with the robber just like the anti-gun crowd advises.  The robber got behind the clerk and executed him. Whoever made up this policy should be named as an accessory to murder as far as I am concerned.  I nominate the president of the Board of Directors.  That seems to be a nice place to start.

Hats off to the Ukrainians for giving the Russians a swift kick in the butt.  Hats off also to the American companies who, out of their own pocket, helped the Ukrainians.  Biden and company perfectly executed their “When in doubt mumble” policy.

Members, you should have received your 119th ISRA commemorative anniversary coin order form in the mail.  This is the first bright gold finish coin we have offered.  One side commemorates the 119th anniversary of the ISRA and the other side celebrates the adoption of the Bill of Rights in 1791.  This is one of the most beautiful coins we have ever offered.

This is our primary fundraiser of the year.  Remember when you order your coin, you will be entered into a drawing for 119 great prizes.  Order yours today.  This is members only offer.  If you are not a member and would like to join, you may do so by calling the office at 815-635-3198 between 8:30am and 4:00pm.


September 22, 1862 - Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation which set the dates for freeing the slaves as January 1, 1863.  It also changed the character of the Civil War to be a battle against slavery.  During the Civil War, it is estimated the 198,000 African Americans served in the United States Army and Navy.  Lincoln’s original handwritten Emancipation Proclamation was destroyed in the Chicago Fire of 1871.

September 22, 1776 - Nathan Hale is executed for spying by the British.  It is believed that Nathan Hale was betrayed by his cousin and loyalist Samuel Hale.  Nathan Hale was a 21-year-old schoolteacher.  He penetrated British lines disguised as a Dutch schoolteacher.  The saying is that blood is thicker than water but, at least in this case, politics is thicker than blood.

September 24, 1902 - Fannie Farmer establishes a cooking school in Boston.  There were many cooking schools but Fannie Farmer’s cooking school emphasized precise measurements of ingredients rather than a pinch of this or a dab of that.  She was the first to include the importance of proper sanitation while cooking.  She wrote a cookbook which was a great success and revolutionized cooking in kitchens throughout the United States.  Her cookbook is still available.

September 26, 1820 - Daniel Boone dies at age 86 at his son’s home near Defiance, Missouri.  Boone was born a Quaker in Berks County, Pennsylvania.  Disagreements broke out between the Quakers and his family moved to North Carolina.  Young Daniel wasn’t into book learning, but he loved the outdoors and explored the virgin lands of North Carolina.  In 1769, Daniel Boone and five friends set out for new territory, Kentucky.  They crossed the Cumberland Gap and explored alone the South Branch of the Kentucky River.  They returned toward North Carolina and in 1775, he and about 30 others returned to Kentucky establishing a wilderness road known as Boones Trace.  He built Fortress Boonesboro which became an important outpost in fighting Indians and the British during the Revolutionary War.  It is estimated that 200,000 settlers came west using Boones Trace.  These settlers played a major role in opening the West and establishing the territory for the United States. 

September 27, 1940 - The Tripartite Pact is signed forming an alliance between Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.  This pact automatically triggered Nazi Germany’s declaration of war against the United States after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States declared war on Japan.

September 28, 1960 - Ted Williams hit his last home run in the last game he played at Fenway Park in Boston.  In 1941, Williams had a batting average of .406 for the season.  People often wondered why Williams didn’t have more lifetime hits and home runs.  Williams was a Marine pilot in both WWII and Korea.  He was serving his country.  In Korea, his wing man was none other than John Glenn who would become famous as an astronaut and United States Senator.

Thanks for being a member!

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, September 24, 2022
Range Work Day
DTI Urban Rifle
Armed Women of America

Sunday, September 25, 2022
DTI Urban Rifle
Fall Glock League

Tuesday, September 27 & October 4, 2022
Tuesday Night Irregular Rifles

Wednesday, September 28 & October 5, 2022
F-Class League
Benchrest League
Paper Steel League

Friday, September 30 – Sunday, October 2, 2022
CMP Small Arms Firing Class

Saturday, October 1, 2022
ISRA Steel Challenge

Sunday, October 2, 2022
Bonfield Muzzle Loaders

Thursday, October 6, 2022
Muzzle Loading Championships

Saturday, October 8, 2022
Muzzleloading Championships
IDNR Hunter Safety Course

Sunday, October 9, 2022
Marksmanship League and Lunch

Gun & Trade Shows

Chicagoland’s Civil War & Collector Arms Show – Wheaton, IL
DuPage County Fairgrounds
Date: September 24, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Admission: $10.00

Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Gun & Knife Show – Chillicothe, IL
Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club
Dates: September 24 & 25, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 8:30-4:00
             Sunday: 8:30-3:00
Admission: $3.00

Central Illinois Gun Collectors New Berlin Gun Show – New Berlin, IL
Sangamon County Fairgrounds
Dates: October 1 & 2, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
             Sunday: 9:00-2:00
Admission: $5.00

Villa Park VFW Gun Show – Villa Park, IL
Villa Park VFW
Date: October 8, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-2:00
Admission: $5.00

Belleville Gun & Knife Show – Belleville, IL
Belleville Fairgrounds
Dates: October 8 & 9, 2022
Hours: Saturday: 9:00-4:00
             Sunday: 9:00-3:00
Admission: $8.00 ($10.00 for both days)








PO Box 637
420 E Locust St
Chatsworth Illinois 60921

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